Recovery, If it’s done thoughtfully and with a concerted intetion to “Fully Recover” and not merely bury the “Stuff” and move on, demands a major Commitment and ew information

- Move through the infidelity more quickly
- Alleviate your greatest fears
- Begin to see your cheating spouse for whom s/he truly is
- Transform your pain into hope
- Feel less anxious
- Gain incredible clarity on your circumstances
Part1: 10 Simple Things to Do When the Feelings are Intense
Part2: Develop Daily Habits that Keep you Focused and Motivated
Part3: Day of Discovery: I’m a mess. Do I need meds?
Part4: Are you “buzzed” too much? How to change the adrenaline lifesyle
Part5: Am I addicted to the victim role?
Part6: Should I get Tested for STD?
Part7: What is a Healthy Sexual Relationship?
Part8: 16 Ways to Know s(he) is REALLY Changing
Part9: How to Protect Yourself Financially Once you Discover an Affair may Dissolve Your Marriage
Part10: Build a Powerful Network of People that Love You
Part11: Reasons why Sexual Activity may Increase after the Affair is discovered
I downloaded your e-book and it helped me cope with what was happening in my life. I must have read it 25 times!!!Thank You, Kathi
Your site is a big help, thank you! Kevin
Dear Dr. Huizenga,First and foremost I want to say that you have already helped me tremendously just by reading some of your articles and information on your website and your emails. Of all the websites and books I have read, yours is superior in regard to this subject. I sincerely appreciate all your work to help people like me that are in the situations that we are. John
I am impressed with your book, and it’s been helpful. Bob
As usual your information is right on the mark. Its uncanny how your stuff seems to reach me just when I am looking for the information. Its marvelous to read. It makes me feel normal again. Regards Yvette
You have opened a well-spring of ideas for me. Thanks! Kelly
At this time I find your writings an incredible source of comfort. I find power in knowledge and you have helped me regain myself in all this mess. THANK YOU.
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