My Spouse Refuses to Work on Rebuilding the Marriage

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3:00 PM

Rob (to Organizers):

my husband had an emotional affair that I found out about about 18 months ago. he moved out and is back home

3:00 PM

Rob (to Organizers):

but doesn’t seem to be doing the work. I don’t know what else to fo

3:01 PM

Rob (to Organizers):

we need to move forward and repair

3:02 PM

Rob (to Organizers):

I can talk if you’d like

3:20 PM

Char (to All):

my husband interacts with other women via text, etc.

3:20 PM

Avril (to All):

My husband had an affair that he ended. He duped my son and I and left his belongings at our home while saying he was going on a trip. We then saw him on social media posting about a lovely girl that he is living with in another country. I think we are done.

3:20 PM

Char (to All):

when I questioned him in the past he acted like I had insecurity issues

3:21 PM

Char (to All):

I found the text this weekend and actually took pictures

3:21 PM

Char (to All):

he denied any interaction until I told him about the pictures of his text.

3:21 PM

Char (to All):

How do I respond to this activity?

3:21 PM

Char (to All):

Im at work

3:21 PM

Char (to All):

he would never allow me to interact with men

3:22 PM

Char (to All):


3:23 PM

Patrick R (to Presenter):

My ex left 3.5 years ago. Left me and created a new life with a married man. I raised her son and he is now in college. The two of us started therapy about a yer ago. She left therapy due to her business. We have had contact and now she would like to resume counseling. I have spent my time working on my issues and not sure about what I want.

3:24 PM

Char (to All):

sounds great

3:25 PM

Char (to All):

this has happened more than once – he says that I dont trust him and that he has done nothing wrong

3:25 PM

Char (to All):

yes but there seems to be more – his text one time asked a woman to spend the night

3:27 PM

Patrick R (to Presenter):


3:32 PM

Char (to All):

thank you

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