Infidelity Resources Part 3
Find here archived newsletters that present ideas, tips and resources for healing from infidelity and the affair in your marriage.
Weathering the Storm of Infidelity and the Affair 7.9.18
Coping with the Fear Triggered by Infidelity in a Marriage 7.9.26
Four tips for Building Trust in a Marriage Ravaged by Infidelity 7.10.11
Healing on the Infidelity Journey 7.10.23
Coping with the Need for Affection in a Marriage with Infidelty 7.11.2
Going Bonkers with Infidelity 7.11.7
Characteristics of the My Marriage Made Me Do It 7.11.13
Infidelity Means Facing Infidelity Ghosts 7.11.27
A Tactic to Use in Facing Emotional Infidelity 7.12.5
Infidelity: What to Do When Children are Involved 7.12.11
Observations on “Just Friends” Emotional Affairs 7.12.18
How to Stop Tolerating a Cheating Spouse 9.9.17
Should I Confront the Other Person? 8.7.29
Am I a Doormat if I Forgive? 8.8.5
The Other Person Dropped Him Like a Hot Potato 8.8.12
Is 9 Months of Fooling Around Too Much? 8.8.19
Infidelty Response: Is 9 Months Too Long? 8.8.28
The Poison of Tolerating Too Much in Infidelity 8.9.3
Confronting the Other Person: Its Purpose 8.9.10
Tolerating and Putting Up With Less in Facing Infidelity 8.9.17
Using Charging Neutral to Stop the Affair 8.10.21
Stopping the Affair Case Study with Charging Neural 8.10.28