How to Start Feeling Better Now!
FREE 21 Day Jump Start E-course
Find relief, more confidence and hope in the next 21 days.

Sign up now for the FREE resources and break free from the agony of the affair.
Every other day (and sometimes more) for the next 21 days you will receive support, strategies, new insights and more, such as:
Simple, basic, mind-altering do’s and don’ts of breaking free. Practical, powerful, places to start.
Gold is refined through intense heat – controlled heat, that is! How to get hold of your thoughts and feelings.
This too shall pass. Others are making it and so will you.
How to find a helpful place for family and friends.
Handle the need to know. Should you spy?
Love 101 – Let a vision for your perfect relationship guide and encourage you.
Oh yeah, and then there’s sex! 10 questions about “sex addiction.”
Get a plan. Know which of 7 different affairs face you and what you can do about it.
The realistic odds of saving your marriage if things keep going the way they are.
How to drastically improve the odds of saving your marriage.
The easiest-to-gloss-over, toughest question: Do you REALLY want to save your marriage? and why it is absolutely crucial to answer honestly.
6 sample skills to get you through this mess faster with less damage and agony.
This E-course introduces you to concepts and resources proven helpful and life-altering for hundreds of people trapped in the agony of an affair.
I want to share with you parts of a few letters have written. My intent is not to call attention to myself but to let you know there are hundreds of others like you who have found comfort, guidance and hope in these resources.
You can and will make it.
I offer to you, without obligation, a multitude of resources and kernels of wisdom collected over the past two decades as a professional working with hundreds of couples and individuals.
Dr. Bob,
Thank you for all your support e-mails the last few days. When I returned to work from a very stressful holiday, I really needed to read all of them. Can’t wait to read all the goodies I downloaded when I get home tonight. Finding your website has been a Godsend. Your reassurance that I will make it and that the affair is not my fault, helps me each and every day. Susan
Thank you, I feel like I have an answer now and help. Thank you again. Bless you for helping so many people. I wish I had found your site a year ago and I might not be in this mess. Sincerely, Debra.
Thank you very much for your web site and for the service you provide. Unfortunately, my marriage is over and I am in the process of accepting it. Nonetheless, the insights you have provided have contributed greatly to both my mental well-being and my ability to cope with the situation. Jeff
I really appreciate the e-mails and the letters. I will continue to read them and use them as a guide as well. No matter what, a broken heart is hard as ever to mend, but it will come in time—————————
Thanks Bob for your encouraging words. I’m taking your advise and feel confident and at peace that I am on the path to reclaiming my integrity. I’m planning on a wonderful New Year! Joan
I look forward to hearing from you and for your ongoing advice, you are an extremely important find for me. There is very little pragmatic literature or advice out there. Sandy
I ask you to make my site your home for the next 6 months.
This E-course is a beginning.
Remember, it is FREE. Yours to keep. Yours to study.
And, you may unsubscribe at any time, if you so desire.
Don’t wait. Do not spend one more day in your agony. Sign up here now!
21 Day E-course
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I look forward to you being part of this site and using my materials.
I sincerely wish you the best,
Dr. Bob Huizenga
P.S. Remember, this E-course is double opt-in to protect your privacy. You will receive an E-mail asking you to confirm the sign-up. The subject line will read: Please confirm your request for resources from Dr. Huizenga. Please click the link inside the letter to confirm your request. If you don’t, you will not receive the E-course.
P.S.S. Have you signed up for my every-other-week Newsletter?? Get more vital information and tips. Learn as much as you can about extramarital affairs. Put yourself on a new course. Save money by being the first one to know about special offers. Keep up-to-date on new resources. Click here and send the blank email. Then click the link in the confirmation e-mail you receive shortly. That’s all you need to do.