Surviving Infidelity Series: Everyone Has Their Own Way of Coping with Infidelity

Surviving Infidelity Series: Everyone has their own way of Coping with Infidelity

Following are two paragraphs which represent the feelings many experience and the actions many take regarding infidelity and self care. These two individuals believe they didn’t cope in a healthy way upon discovering their partners affair, but it is important to know you are not alone when it comes to your pain and that there is no right or wrong way to cope upon infidelity discovery.

For the first individual, the pain of the affair lead to loss of appetite and even panic attacks:

Talking to my best friend; crying a lot; talking to my partner, getting his reassurance that it was me that he loved most and wanted to be with. I don’t think I coped very well…I started having panic attacks and couldn’t eat or sleep. So, I don’t think my story will help anyone else.

The second individual relieved stress by exercising, but perhaps took it too far.


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