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It is merely part of Dr. Huizenga’s work. He has also produced dozens of articles, 19 live coaching tapes, interviewing those perhaps like you, finding their way through the nightmare of infidelity. He has written more ebooks and reports, including the highly proclaimed “Break Free From the Affair. “
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I want to know what I can do to save the marriage and also know if that is a realistic option.
I want to gather as much information as possible, knowing that affairs are exceedingly complex, so I know exactly what I must do to stop the agony and maybe the affair.
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(Regularly sold for $49.95) Break free from the affair, the acclaimed e-book that has enabled thousands to feel instant relief as they realize they are NOT a victim and can indeed, find the power and freedom to change the course of the affair.
Your e-book hit my situation dead on the head!!! I felt like I was getting a reading from a psychic!!! I have chills right now. Lauren
I find your writings an incredible source of comfort. I find power in knowledge and you have helped me regain myself in all this mess. THANK YOU! Bill
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Bonus #2: Cheating Spouse Guide
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(Regularly sold for $69.95) Hear Dr. Huizenga interview 19 folk, many like you, seeking hope and direction in the confusing maze of infidelity. Follow along in the workbook as each session is reviewed by Dr. Huizenga and your peers.
The fact that i am ‘listening’ to a real life experience, the thoughts and emotions of a person that undergoes the same pain gives me great relief as opposed to ‘reading’. It is like a person talking to you. Pat
I just wanted to drop you a quick line and say how bloody impressive these audio interviews are! Father Dave |
(Regularly Sold for $39.95) Learn how to repair your marriage and rebuild your relationship – without “working on it.” Learn how to get both of you on the same page and avoid the trap of one pushing for change while the other actively or passively resists.
Is elegantly simple, straight-forward with minimal psycho babble or “touchy-feely stuff.”Levels the playing field. Whomever is more talkative, insightful, relationship-oriented is NOT in a one-up position.
Helps you build trust slowly but surely. You will feel safe as you address highly important issues. |
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Remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose. Although 98% of those who use Dr. Huizenga’s material find them helpful, and a high percentage of those extremely helpful and empowering, Dr. Huizenga will stand by his 60 full money-back guarantee.
This material just may save your sanity and your marriage. Read the comments below or check out these glowing testimonials. |
I bought your ebook yesterday and I was astonished on how accurate the descriptions are with the 7 types of affairs. Although I have not finished reading it it did give me some comfort that I am NOT responsible for the affair my wife has had / having. And it helped me validate some of the behavior and strategy that I have been using is the right direction. Kevin |
Hi Bob,
I’ve read your wonderful book and have discovered that my husband is a number 6 type affair. All the things you said are true about him and I truly believe that this is one of the best things that could have happened to us. It is a wake up call on our 13 year marriage. Jennifer |
Thank you Bob. It is so valuable. My husband and I are doing it together each night and thus far it has been the most valuable, information and useful information we have obtained! Lori |
The e book has been helpful and both my wife and myself have read it .Whilst our situation is far from resolved I feel we are on the right track and I am hopefully of saving the marriage but if that doesn’t happen “I WILL MAKE IT”. Her situation is very complex in that she claims to love me ( I believe her) but has had a “LOVE” affair with the other guy for over two years and neither of them seem to be able to let go. At moment we are getting on better than ever and our sex life is best it’s ever been in 19 years, no fighting yelling or screaming all very rational, really weird!! Steve |
The most value for both my husband and I was to finally identify “the type” of affair he had. Going a step further YOUR book was the only of it’s kind that gives all the characteristics of the person tied with what we can expect to happen if change doesn’t “check in”. When we finally discovered in your E-book my husbands “type of affair”, we both said “wow” many times during the reading as it was if you wrote that section exclusively for us. I knew before I purchased your book that I needed to know exactly “what kind” of affair my husband was in before I could heal. Because how can you heal from the unknown? You gave us those answers! Lori |
Dear Bob, Your e-book was the most helpful information I’ve read yet. What helped me the most was how you categorized the seven types of affairs. My husband of 28 years totally fits into the #6 category. The insight and wisdom I gleaned gave me a peace that I have not had since I learned of his affair just 2 1/2 months ago. I learned alot in those few pages and put what I learned into action immediately. I was also very encouraged at the rating of 2 as far as the possibility of the marriage working. What was so cool was the ‘Tip’ you gave was right on the mark. Since this happened our sex has been more passionate and we seem to be closer than we have been in years. You were totally right. We both feel very blessed that we didn’t lose each other. With highest regards, Denise |
Dr. Huizenga- The book has been very helpful. I feel better now than I have in the 1.5 weeks since my wife told me about the affair she is having. I finally have a little peace of mind, which is very important considering I am currently deployed in Iraq. The section on affair type #4 could have been written about my wife. You described her to a “t” in the section about the characteristics that are exhibited in the type of person who has this kind of affair. Also, I can’t tell you how many times she has already said the “I love you but I am not in love with you anymore” speech, or it’s derivative, “I love you, but I don’t feel I love you like a wife should love her husband”. This is the hardest thing I have ever faced. We have been married for almost 11 years and have 3 young children together. I am about to go home on 2 weeks leave from Iraq, and will be putting the techniques in your book to use. Wish me luck! Kevin |
I wish that I had had the info (Break Free From the Affair) in April 2003 which is when the “other woman’s” husband contacted me to tell me about the affair. I’m in the final stages and beginning to heal. I am still angry however – deep down inside. annette |
I have bought the e-book and have read most everything that you’ve provided. My wife fits the situation and profile of the “Love being in Love” affair to a tee. It was almost eerie on how well it fit, down to the fact it is an emotional affair, not a sexual one. We actually read it together the first time. She just left the computer and went and laid down. George |
First I want to thank you for your E-book. I bought it Saturday and already it has made my life a lot more pleasant! I was reacting in the depressed mode and living the affair every day. Now I am concentrating on me and it feels like a big load has been lifted off my shoulders and I am excited about life again! Randy |
Hi…My life as you know all to well has been a roller coaster of a ride. I suspected for a 4 to 5 months to be confirmed on Thursday night. I needed help fast. We had talked for a couple of hours after the event and he said he needed to go out in the car for a few hours so I came to the computer and found your book. It helped me be busy and although it was painful to read it gave me something to focus on and helped me to realize it was not my fault. So it felt empowering, being a trainer before becoming a mother of two young beautiful children I knew how to coach and develop people and that you need a strategy and process to aid the process and that is what the book helped me do see the affair for what it is/was? And how to start from a good place in my head and not a negative one. I wrote all 7 points in a notebook that I carried around with me and said over and over to myself I can make it. It is still a roller coaster I needed my husband to make a decision so that I could move forward. He chose to leave after talking for 4 hours the next day I kept calm we laughed and I acted happy. I needed your book at a time of great confusion and it provided clarity and reason. I believe when in need the resources appear. I know this journey has just begun as now my husband has called to say he wants to come back so my world is still spinning but I know no matter what happens I CAN make it though. I have so many unanswered questions and one is how can he stay away form this obsession of the other woman and stay focuses on making it work. Renee |
Dr. Bob, I want to sincerely thank you for the information on your site. It has truly helped me to better understand the “Gut Feelings” I have in my heart about my wife’s faithfulness. My marriage of seven years has been in “crisis mode”, from the beginning. We have never gotten along well for long. Two very strong willed people always clashing & banging heads. Never any unity. And just to think-We’re Christians who should know better but….. Philip |
Dear Bob, I ordered your e-book last night and read it from start to finish, then re-read certain sections again this morning. My husband had an affair (now totally finished) and he rates somewhere between a #4 and #6 with a little #5 thrown in for good measure (or should I say ‘bad measure’). After about 6 counseling sessions I decided we were going nowhere and have read, downloaded and purchased numerous books etc to try and make some sort of sense of it all and find a way to work out our differences, my true desire is to get over all of this and archive it deep in my memory, as you have probably guessed, I was still going nowhere and all the information seemed to confuse me more than help me. Then I read your book, thank you so much, it is the best information I could have had and I now know what “I” need to do to work through this. I’m not 100% certain that I will remain married to B, but I am 100% certain that “I” will be ok, whatever the future holds for me. Thank you again. Kind Regards, Kathy |
…very helpful, and eye opening. Kim |
Hello Dr. Bob, I am in the process of reading through the material and trying to really be objective and honest with my thoughts and feelings. There is a lot to digest and there is a lot to think through. I think this e-book will put a lot of things in perspective and I pray that I will receive some relief from my heartache. Thank you for caring. Phyliss |
Dear Bob, I recently purchased your E-Book and I wanted to thank you for your no-nonsense, real approach to this heart-wrenching subject. I feel empowered instead of helpless. It is so enlightening to see the types of affairs and the qualities a person who engages in each type may possess. It takes this huge ball of confusion and helps narrow the focus a bit. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming… the prospect of what to tackle … when you’re in the eye of a hurricane, your lists are like a beacon of light showing me the way out. Mary |
Bob, the book is Right On. Very helpful so far. George |
Your E-book is helpful. Very much so. I appreciate the up front, straight- up truth of what you have put together. Steve |
Dear Dr. Huizenga, Was your book useful… Yes, and that’s an understatement! I was amazed to realize all that I’ve been going through was labeled and understood by others… As I read your book I was shocked, I was able relate to it. It allowed me to understand that yes my spouse does have a problem “himself”and it wasn’t because of me… Yet the scale for the category he falls into is tough to save (my marriage) it still provided me with clarity of my situation and especially how to deal with it. Tania |
The book is a mind reader and showing me the future so I know what’s going to happen rather then always being in limbo about what’s going to happen. Brandi |
Hi Bob, I’m doing and feeling way better after I read your Book. It is so helpful. I would recommend this book to anyone who has to go through this situation. I feel like I can now have more control of the situation. Weeks ago I was so down and felt like I could not do anything in my life, today I know what I should do or not do. It’s very hard to have to go through all this but I know I will make it. Kristina |
Great book !!!! Has helped me so very much to sort out the many confusing things coming out of my husband’s affair. Your book is obviously based on real life scenarios and not theory. When one is dealing with something as devastating as a spouse cheating, one needs real life info/advice/talk to help sort through all of the muddiness. Thanks. Linda |